A company is made of shares, and for a person to own a part of the company, the person has to own a part of the shares of the company. This is done by share issuance or transfer.

Every company requires the need to issue shares at some point in the business. When a company issues shares to a person or legal entity, the company is legally issuing new shares to offer ownership to a new shareholder. This person can be the founder of the company, a shareholder, an investor, an employee, a contractor, or even another firm.

To record all the shares of the company and how many they own, the founder needs to keep a cap table with all details. Eqvista is used just for this – from recording, tracking, managing and issuing shares. All this can be done with just a click of a button on Eqvista. In short, the Eqvista platform helps you keep an eye on all that happens in the ownership of the company.

Interested in issuing & managing shares?

If you want to start issuing and managing shares, Try out our Eqvista App, it is free and all online!